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Here is Why Your Business Needs To Have A Mobile App!

5403 Views | 2 min | Published On: October 8, 2019 Last Updated: April 17, 2020
mobile apps in business

Everybody would agree that the mobile app industry is one of the leading industries in the world.

If you are planning to step into this industry, you should know that not only, acquiring users is going to be challenging enough, but fostering the engagement is something really delicate, but not impossible.

Dominating in this market is not something that can be done overnight. In fact, it would be right to say that there is a hell of a lot of research, dedication, and planning behind every successful app you see today.

Irrespective of all this, if you own a business or have any intention of starting one, having a mobile presence is absolutely non-negotiable.

Now, before you start scratching your head and prepare yourself with the idea of mobile app development, let’s get you acquainted with the present mobile ecosystem. Only after getting the whole picture you should decide whether to dive into this pool or not.

Below are the latest mobile app industry statistics. These statistics will help you organize your thoughts about the industry and will groom you to understand the mobile app ecosystem in a better way.

Note: These stats are researched and gathered together from the most reliable sources of information.

Let’s discuss mobile usage. 

Mobile Usage? This actually refers to the number of smartphone users across the world.

Why is this related?

The importance of mobile presence is actually directly proportional to mobile usage. If people are not using mobile, what’s the point of being on it. Right?

So, to answer the question of why should you go with the idea of mobile app development and drag your business to mobile, here are some resourceful stats for you – 

  • By the year 2020, it has been predicted that the number of mobile users will touch 6 billion.
  • In just 2 years the consumer spendings over the app store were detected to be increased by 75% that is around $101 billion.
  • In the US it was discovered that over 100 apps are installed on the smartphone of a user.
  • One of the surveys even found out that people between the ages group of 16-24 spend 20% more time on apps making that 30% more often than everyone else around the world.

All these predictions, surveys, and stats, clearly show how serious this industry is getting. These statistics show how people are becoming dependent on mobiles for nearly everything. This makes it vital for every business owner to redefine their business model and include the phase of mobile app development in it.

Besides all these clear depictions of why one should go for mobile app development, we also have gathered some more reasons why you should invest in the mobile app.

Reasons Why Mobile Apps are Important For A Business


The Entire world lies in your pocket today.

Yes! I am talking about mobile devices. Apart from the calls, these mobile devices have the entire pool of mobile applications they host.

Remember the time when the businesses migrated to the web from the physical world. Today, the same world is transforming into mobile devices. After this transformation, it is unquestionable that you should push your business to the mobile platform.

Apart from this, if you still are confused, let’s jump right to the few ways in which mobile apps can benefit your business.

There are many benefits of mobile apps for business. Below we are going to list some of these reasons why businessmen should get a mobile app.

The World Today Exists in Mobile 

Nobody can deny the fact that the world has gone mobile and the transition has been unquestionably interesting especially for businesses. Everywhere you see, people are busy with their mobile devices and this is one of the main reasons why it is vital that you have an app for your business.

Unlike the time before when the internet and the web were introduced to the world, the website for a business is not enough anymore. Since the pace of the mobile industry has evolved, everybody is turning away from the websites and towards the mobile app. This is one of the reasons why mobile apps are important.

Improving The Image of Your Brand 

There are many reasons why mobile apps are important for your business. One of these reasons is bringing your brand to existence. As we have mentioned before, people today judge a business that doesn’t have an app.

Yeah! That is true.

In fact, with an app for your business, you will be perceived as a new modern and innovative business, making it more inviting to your customers or clients. In addition to all this, a mobile app will also make it easy for the customers to understand and connect with your brand. This is where we come up with the next point.

Strengthening Customer Engagement

Businesses with apps tend to allow people to communicate with the company, bringing in more authority to your brand. With an app, you can easily provide your customers with a feature allowing them to contact your company anytime making it more attractive for them.

Other than increased authority, an app can also help your business in a way that will allow you to collect the information like their contact number, email address, etc. This database will also help you take full advantage of techniques like push notification.

Hence, a mobile app for your business will not only help you gain more customers but will also help you retain the ones you already have.

The next point we have coming will enlighten you with the basic relation between the visibility of the brand and sales.

Increasing The Visibility Of Your Brand

Like the old days, word-of-mouth is still counted as the best source of marketing for any brand. But the question is in this busy world, where socializing is dependent upon the internet, how would people come to know your brand?

This is where an app will help you build a strong network. Once you allow your users to share the content of your app in their network, your brand will come to the light.

Here, not only an app will play a vital role, but a mobile-optimized website will grow your audience.

No matter whether it’s a mobile app or a website, all you have to do is to optimize it for an app store and search engine respectively.

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Easy Management of Appointments Via App 

Yes! Through an app, you can allow your loyal customers and clients to make easy appointments with your team. An app will act as an e-brochure that would bridge the gap between the audience, clients, customers, and your company.

Hence, an Easy appointment is one of the benefits of mobile apps for your business.

Boosting Sales and Increasing Revenue 

How can a mobile app help you boost your sales? If you read the introduction to this article, I assume that you are aware of the number of mobile users and how they are still increasing exponentially. An app for your business will help you reach all those users and make your products accessible to them.

Rather than restricting yourself to a particular area or country, with an app or a mobile-friendly website you can reach all users around the world.

Keep Track of Your Customers

There is no confusion that for your business, the most important part is your customer. It is not that one can not go wrong with this. In fact, having customers can turn out either to be the most beneficial or painful for your brand. Knowing this in the old times when there was no medium for businessmen to track the customers, was very challenging.

A mobile app, in this case, will help you break that wall down allowing you to follow your customers to understand their needs, challenges, and barriers holding your brand down. So, this makes another valid reason to go for mobile app development for your business.

Final Words 

To conclude, we would say that having a mobile app for your business will be a great asset to you. Not only it will allow you to reach billions of people across the world who are using smartphones but will also allow you to track the interest of your users and interact with them easily.

The best part about an application is that you can use it even in the disconnected mode and synchronize as soon as the connection is re-established. Besides all these points, we are sure you are now aware of why mobile apps are important for your business. So, we hope that you have a clear picture of why you need to go for mobile app development for your business by now.


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