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Earpiece – That Translates Foreign Languages

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5461 Views | 1 min | Published On: May 20, 2016 Last Updated: October 4, 2019
earpiece -language translator

Did you guys know about the latest software update for tvOS which Apple recently released? Were you aware of the fact that this new software update by Apple didn’t have many changes in the User Interface?

Apple Releases New TVOS Update

Waverly Labs has invented a new earpiece device called – The Pilot System which Translates Foreign languages such as English, French, Spanish and Italian. If you meet a person who speaks a foreign language that you don’t understand then you can ease all your pain by using this device which will automatically translate the other person’s language to your preferred language.

The cost of this device is $299 and consists of a second earpiece, which act as a battery charger and for the purpose of wireless music streaming when required.

Translates Foreign Languages

It is advised to users that they should download an app on their smartphones or in the earpiece they can order to toggle language. Use, can also download some additional language packs which consist of languages such as – Slavic, Semitic, Hindi and East Asian.This cool gadget has a rising demand in the market and also it is predicted that till Spring 2017 this gadget will not be available.


The CEO and Founder of the earpiece Andrew Ochoa, said that he came up with this concept of translation when he met a girl who was French and had a hard time interacting with her. This device revolves around a great concept of translating foreign languages just to make sure that other persons understands your words.

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