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Parking Apps | The Next Big Mobile App Idea of 2020

5417 Views | 1 min | Published On: September 15, 2019 Last Updated: July 13, 2023

There is no doubt today that if you are looking to start a business, going with the digital ones, in fact, mobile apps is one of the best choices you have.

The latest survey showcased how 82% of mobile traffic is simulated from mobile apps. Hence, there is no doubt that the mobile app business is something that is a sure shot winner if you do it right I mean. 

In this piece of article, I am going to introduce one of the trending, practical, & loved mobile app idea ~ Parking Apps. 

This is one of those apps that have targeted the pain area of a normal person and resolved it. 

Who wouldn’t relate to the struggle of finding the vacant parking space every day?

I sure can relate. I too feel like winning a lottery every time I find the parking nearest to the elevator. 

With the increasing number of vehicles exponentially, this issue is even getting more severe with every dying moment. 

Addressing this issue has become one of the priorities today. Thanks to mobile apps, this problem is somewhat resolved. 

This is why going with a parking app sounds like a smart plan.

Why is Parking App a Great Startup Idea?

There are many points that justify why building a parking app is a great idea. I am going to discuss some of the issues that a simple parking app can solve easily, making it a perfect startup idea.

1. Struggle To Locate The Vacant Spot

Even a simple and basic parking lot app can resolve this problem easily. I and you know how difficult it is to spot a vacant parking space among hundreds of cars in a parking lot. This becomes even more serious when you are out for some important task and not just shopping. 

How Parking App Resolves This Issue of Finding a Parking Spot?

With even a basic parking app, you can easily book the parking spot in the lot. 

But how will you find the spot? 

Luckily we have a life-saving technology called ~ GPS. These parking lot apps make full use of this. Once you book the parking spot, you will be provided with the map marking that very spot. 



2. Double Parking | A Serious Issue

Youtube features several double parking revenge videos. These videos clearly show how serious of an issue this is. 

Imagine you went through the complicated layout of a huge parking lot just to find that space is already occupied.  And now imagine if you find out that some jackass has double-parked his car. 

Just imagining that makes my blood boil. 

Someone really went sarcastic with this double parking issue saying and I quote ~

“And that’s (the situation where people double park their car) because some intellectual minds believe their need for space extends in the physical world of a parking lot too.”

Where does the Parking app come in the picture here?

Well! With the space allotted to you by the app, the staff will make sure that it is available for you. 

Now, this won’t stop people from double parking their cars. Naha! 

But with the help of the app, the staff will have all the necessary information about that intelligent person. So, he will be able to contact him and ask him (politely of course) to fix the situation. 

3. Better Understanding of Parking Rules & Regulations

Now, as there are no fixed set of rules for parking, it becomes very challenging to remember the rules framed by different parking lot owners and management. 

There are some parking lots that charge by the hour while some charge by day and many other rules are there. 

How the hell will a Parking App Resolve this issue? 

In this case, a parking app will jump in as a savior. These apps will allow every user to know about these rules prior to entering the parking lot. This way you can actually select the parking lot as per your choice, rather than entering and later finding out the charges. 

Now, this above piece of the article shows how good this idea of developing the parking app is. But before you jump high with joy, in the section below we are defining how exactly this app works? 

So, without wasting any time, let’s get to it. 

But before, that let me know if you have ever faced these problems I mentioned above. 

How Does a Parking Apps Work?

Okay, let’s start! 

There are three basic ways in which a mobile app development company can create a mobile parking app. These ways are based on the features that the app will be embedded with. 

1. Just The Navigation Based Parking App

This is the type of parking lot app that only allows the user to find out the vacant parking spots. This indeed is one of the most basic parking lot apps. 

This app will not have any process of making the payment or even booking. 

All this app does is notify the car owner, where the free parking spot is in the lot. 

2. App Featuring Both Navigation & Booking

In addition to the basic navigation feature, this kind of parking app will also allow the users to book the parking spot. That’s not all. In this app, you will also be allowed to check the payment for the spot in advance.
What’s after the booking? 

When the user reaches the parking lot, a sensor will read the license plate of your car and feed that to the database. After this, the app will guide the owner to the booked spot. This app will also enable you to make payment through the app itself. 

Besides saving time, this type of app will also make the entire process efficient and easy. Most of the successful parking apps work on this model. So, if you are planning to build your own parking lot app, go for this app model. 

So, if you are planning to create apps for parking, do consult the experts.

3. The Virtual Valet Solution, A Complete Solution Parking App

This app is designed to provide a complete solution to the parking problem. This type of parking app model will allow the car owner to not only reserve the spot but also allow them to set the time window when the valet will reach the pre-decided spot to collect the car keys. 

In this model, the car owner doesn’t even need to wait in the parking queue. 

So, if you are looking to get into the parking app business, I would really suggest you go for the best mobile app development company that can provide the best technology solution. 

Before I end this piece, let’s discuss the one major aspect that every businessman lives for. The revenue model behind this business. 

Parking Apps | And The Revenue Model

Behind the success of every parking app business, there are two major factors. First, the customer experience and second, the revenue model. Like all other Uber for X businesses, the on-demand parking lot app is also a good revenue generator. Below I am going to explain how? 


Commissions are the core of every on-demand app business. In this parking mobile app, every parking app owner will charge a certain amount of fee from the lot owner. This is how an app owner will make money. 

This is how you will earn if you are planning for your own parking app. All these factors pitched in together paints the picture of this business’s bright future in the upcoming years. So, don’t think twice and bring your own app on the market. 



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