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How Small Businesses Can Grow and Save Money with Mobile CloudApps?

4829 Views | 1 min | Published On: December 19, 2018 Last Updated: November 15, 2019
app developing

Historically, mobile applications have been native. Then cross-platform mobile applications came into existence and now cloud applications are starting to become popular, and for all good reasons. Cloud applications live on servers and get accessed through web browsers. It is normal for an amateur to get confused by the technical jargons that are tossed around while discussing Mobile Cloud Computing and Mobile Cloud Apps.

Well, this post is for clearing every of your confusion related to these technical terms. If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner who wants to know how Cloud Mobile Apps can help you grow your business, this blog is for you. Read on and bang on!

Let’s first get familiar with the concept of CloudApp or a mobile cloud app.

What Is a Mobile CloudApp?


A cloud application or a mobile cloud application is an application that works through the cloud and has a unique blend of attributes from both, pure web apps and pure desktop apps. This is a software program where local and cloud-based components work together in a harmonious way.

Here are a few characteristics of a CloudApp:

  •  In cloud apps, cloud infrastructure (a particular form of information architecture) is utilized to store data
  • Here, the data can be cached locally
  • There is a scope of integrating different user prerequisites in cloud application development
  • Cloud applications might be accessed from the desktop or smartphones alike
  • Cloud Apps provide access to a whole new range of services

The cloud apps are known for their responsiveness and for the fact that these need not be permanently stored on the device. These applications can work online quite well; but, should be updated in the online mode.

What is the Difference between Cloud Mobile Apps, Native Mobile Apps and Web apps?

A native mobile application is downloaded and installed on a Smartphone while a mobile cloud application needs not to be downloaded and installed on the device. Mobile cloud applications are somewhat like Web-based applications and the main similarity between the two is that they both run on external servers and need a browser on the mobile device to show before giving way to the application User Interface.

Listed beneath are the key differences between the three of them:

Cloud Apps vs Mobile Apps vs Web Apps

How Mobile Cloud Apps Can Help Businesses?

Since now you are aware of the basics of cloud applications and differences between native, mobile and cloud apps, it is high time to proceed onwards and see numerous benefits of mobile cloud applications. Using these types of apps, not just the developers but also the app users can reap various benefits.

1. Simpler to Stick to the Budget as They Are Cheaper

Building mobile cloud applications are less expensive than native application development, add to it the fact that you just need to create one application for both the platforms and the deal gets better! This is amazing for startups or new businesses that don’t really have heavy pockets and can’t afford to spend a huge amount of cash on building a native application. One vital cost that most of the novices tend to forget is ongoing maintenance expenses related to a native application.

“Do you know that around 20% of the apps spend more than $25,000 in maintenance after a year has passed by?”

Think about having two native applications, one each for iOS and Android! If you are a startup company, it is not wise for you to dwell into the native app development without first considering the expense associated with it. This may land you into a situation that you are scared of.

While mobile cloud application development is also not available for free, it helps you spare a lot of money before you start developing the application, while you are developing the application, and after you have officially developed and published your application.

2. These Apps Don’t Need to Be Installed

The cloud applications have one major benefit for the users that is they don’t need to download and install these applications on their mobile devices to utilize them. The application users can view the whole interface and use it flawlessly on their browser window. The cloud applications fetch the data directly by associating with the cloud, which guarantees that the applications run easily so as to provide a seamless user experience.

3. Use of API

The third-party data storage services and data sources can be accessed with API. It is with the utilization of these APIs that the cloud applications can be kept smaller in size as the data is handed to the applications or API based back-end services for processing or analytics computations and the outcomes are handed back to the CloudApp.

4. Respond Faster to Business Needs

The thing about cloud applications is that they can be deployed, updated and tested fast. This implies that businesses get the advantage of getting their applications quickly to the market, thus getting an edge over their competitors. The speed with which this happens can really bring about a whole culture shift inside the organization, making it more responsive.

5. Database Can Be Integrated Seamlessly

If you are developing an application for your business, you will need to incorporate some sort of database with it. This procedure can be quiet complex and confusing when you are developing a native mobile application. The cloud applications make this step a lot simpler because all this data can be synchronized through the cloud server.

5. They Provide You More Exposure

CloudApps can work on both the operating systems without going through any alterations or tweaks.

This implies as an application owner, you don’t need to create separate applications for both the platforms; rather you get the benefit of being exposed to the audience of both the platforms with no issue! Also, when you get the opportunity to release your application on both the platforms at the same time you get the advantage of higher downloads coming together from both the application stores’ audience, resulting in more revenue.

Last Piece of Advice…

If you’re searching for a safe and financially savvy option for developing your app, consider cloud mobile apps. Cloud applications are extraordinary because they give you more exposure while being less expensive. But, also remember one size does not fit all. Not all type of apps are ideal to be developed in the cloud.

You should abstain from developing high-end apps in the cloud that require a stricter level of data security or evolved regulatory restrictions, or those that depend on legacy coding projects. However, a cloud appears to work extremely well when you need to develop a highly distributed and available network.

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